Justice of the Peace document signing station

Need a document witnessed? A document witnessing service is provided by a local Justice of the Peace (JP). JP’s can help with:
- Attesting to the execution of a document
- Witnessing a Statutory Declaration
- Witnessing an affidavit for use in court
- Certifying true copies of a document, and
- Certifying a person’s identity
Please note: JPs at document signing stations may not be able to assist should you have a large amount of documents for witnessing or certifying. In these instances, you are encouraged to contact an individual JP to assist you. Read more here.
Bendigo Library
251-259 Hargreaves Street
Tuesdays, 10.30am-1pm
Wednesdays 1-4pm
Thursdays, 5-6.30pm
Castlemaine Library
212 Barker Street
Thursdays, 1-3pm
Gisborne Library
8 Hamilton Street
Thursdays, 12-2pm
Wedderburn Community Centre
24 Wilson Street
By appointment
Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House
Unit 5-8/43 Kelly Street
By appointment
To find JPs in other locations, visit the Justice of the Peace website.