Family History
Unearth your roots with free access to trusted genealogy tools and resources to explore your family’s story.
To access the eLibrary resources, you’ll need to be a library member. Log in using your library card number and password.
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Ancestry Library Edition gives you access to billions of records to discover your family’s story.
Access is only available in the library but Ancestry allows you to email your files to your email address.

Find My Past
Search over 50 million records on Find My Past for Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands, including cemetery records, electoral roll records, government records, religious records, military records and more.
Access is only available in the library.

National Archives of Australia
Discover our fascinating collection of more than 100 years of Australian Government records, documenting the history of individuals, communities, and the nation.

Historic Rates Index
The Bendigo Historic Rates Index currently covers the period 1856–1903 and allows you to search the Bendigo rate books by owner, rate payer, year, address, occupation, rate number and council name/subdivision.

History Research Guides
A collection of guides and help sheets produced by Goldfields Library staff to assist you in your family and local history history research.

Public Records Office of Victoria
Public Record Office Victoria holds a vast array of records created by Victorian Government departments and authorities including the State’s courts, local councils, schools, public hospitals and other public offices.

Trove is created and maintained by the National Library of Australia, and brings together content from Australian libraries, museums, archives and other research organisations and gives you tools to explore and build.
Please note: This page contains links to webpages not managed by Goldfields Libraries. We recommend reviewing the privacy policies and terms of use for these sites before entering any personal data.