Book Clubs

Book clubs are a fantastic way to explore different genres, share your reading passion, and connect with fellow book lovers. Dive into discussions about your favourite and not-so-favourite books, make new friends, and enjoy a more fulfilling reading experience.
Our growing book club collection includes more than 300 titles and caters to all interests. Each set contains 10 books and is available to borrow for up to six weeks.
Best of all – membership is FREE!
Download a text-only version of the Book Club list (434kb)
Download a list with covers and blurbs (8.7mb)
For more information about book club sets, email or contact your local library.
Registering your book club
- Decide on a book club name and nominate a leader. That person will be our contact for your book club, and be responsible for your club’s bookings and loans.
- The leader will visit a library branch and show their personal library card, or ID to receive a Book Club membership card.
- That’s it! You’re all set.
Your leader can now reserve Book Club set through the catalogue. They will be notified when sets are available for pick up, and will be responsible for ensuring all book copies are returned together in the supplied book club bag.
Browsing and reserving the Book Club collection
- Visit the library catalogue.
- Open the search menu in the top right hand corner.
- In the list, select Book Club, then Search.
- The results will show a list of titles and if there are reserves pending. Clicking View availability will show the item location, whether it’s on loan, and when it’s due back.
- View a listing by clicking on the book title.
- Click the Place reservation button and follow the prompts to reserve this set for your Book Club, ensuring to use your Book Club membership card (and not your personal one).
View instructions with images here.
Help Sheets
Starting and running a successful Book Club
Download our Book Club borrowing sheet to help manage your club’s loans.